Cloud Application Experts

Common Aspect is your premier technology consultancy, providing full-service solutions in project management, technical architecture, and software development. We specialize in cloud application migration and development, serving enterprises and technology start-ups alike. Partner with us to harness the full potential of your digital transformation

Services We Provide

Planning and Design

Empower your vision with expert guidance in choosing the ideal cloud platform and services. Kickstart your next high-performance application with our tailored architectural expertise.

Build and Test

Our seasoned engineers excel in industry-leading languages and frameworks, including Java with Spring Boot, Python, and Node.js. Our commitment to high quality is reflected in our rigorous testing practices, ensuring that your projects meet the highest standards of excellence.

Deploy and Automate

Elevate your operations with our DevOps expertise, optimizing and scaling on renowned cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

What differentiates us?

Established in 2013, Common Aspect leverages more than a decade of expertise gained from enterprise consulting, specializing in large-scale e-commerce and software projects. Our mission is to bring this wealth of experience to new horizons, with a strong focus on product development. We are dedicated to assisting technology startups across diverse domains in launching products and enhancing services, enabling them to thrive in the market.

Test-Driven Development

Develop with confidence, knowing your functionality will be protected by a comprehensive suite of automated tests.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

Avoid error-prone manual build and deployment processes and catch any code issues introduced immediately.


Our industry experience and time-tested development approach improve your project's likelihood of success.

Our specializations

AWS Cloud Infrastructure

Microservices Architecture

Serverless Applications

RESTful API Design

Data Architecture

SaaS Applications

  • AWS Cloud Infrastructure Amazon Web Services is our premier cloud provider offering, and our engineers are AWS certified with years of experience.
  • Microservices Architecture Accelerate development speed and improve agility by splitting legacy monolithic applications into microservices with domain-driven design and bounded contexts.
  • Serverless Applications Reduce time spent on maintenance by leveraging a managed solution designed for scalability, e.g. Amazon API Gateway + AWS Lambda.
  • RESTful API Design Integrate with internal or external services and reduce friction between development teams through a well-designed API specification.
  • Data Architecture Database schema design and administration, data pipelines and ETL processes, NoSQL and relational databases.
  • SaaS Applications Define the strategy for feature delivery and subscription payment models in your online application.
  • Non-Blocking IO Make the most of your infrastructure and scale in the most efficient way possible by building your application with frameworks such as Node.js or Spring WebFlux.
  • Event-Driven Streams Create a more powerful and manageable solution based around the events generated in your application using Apache Kafka or Amazon Kinesis.
  • Container Orchestration Manage the services in your containerized applications and provide service-level guarantees with tools like Kubernetes and Amazon ECS.

Our Process


Environmental Assessment

We evaluate any legacy codebase and work to understand your business goals before proceeding.

Architectural Guidance

We walk you through the process of selecting the best technologies and architecture design for your project.

Best-Practices Implementation

We work hand-in-hand with your development team to bring your product to market and scale as your traffic grows.
Featured Customers

Transformational software development process leadership for mission-critical systems.

Business to Business (B2B) subscription-based SaaS platform to enhance customer engagement via hyper-casual games.

B2B SaaS application for rules-based online workflows and business process automation to power engaging digital experiences.

Machine learning (ML) software product allowing healthcare providers to extract actionable data from unstructured text.

Online application allowing users to take control over their video content experience free from algorithms with powerful search, subscribe, and notification features.



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